Categories: Blog

An introduction to the blog

Welcome to the’s blog!

These blog posts will be a supplement to the website expanding on topics covered on the site, or questions asked by viewers.

This first post will quickly cover the reasons why I decided to build this site and how it eventually came about.

Painting your interior can have a dramatic effect and is one of the least expensive ways to add a change to your home.  Doing the work yourself can be very rewarding.

In my search of sites covering DIY painting, the things that bothered me the most were:

  • the large amount of ads and pop ups

  • the lack of a “one stop” site for all of your painting questions and needs

  • how “busy” the sites looked, making them harder to navigate

It was here that I thought “wouldn’t it be nice to go to a “how to paint your interior” site that covers every aspect of a paint project, in an easy to navigate site, with no ads or pop ups.”

I also wanted to teach people how to paint really well.  Since painting is one of the main things you see when you walk into a home, the job should look clean and professional. 

Now as you peruse sites, some will show you how to paint a room in an hour, but it’s just not possible to do it that fast and do it well.  

I will teach you how to paint skillfully, but that takes a little more time and effort.  I promise you however, it will be something you can truly be proud of.

The site originally started in written form and later I began adding video companions to the text.  I will be adding videos in the future, so make sure to check back in often.

Thanks for reading this post and I wish you the best of luck on your project!




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